Matching Headers

After you've imported your metadata, you can select the header matching method. In order to match metadata to files your datasource must have a column for the filename. Combined with the matching style imported images are assigned the correct metadata.

Matching Styles

There are five matching styles:

  • Contains
  • Is Equal to
  • Begins with
  • Matches
  • Ends with

Each of these styles matches the selected column differently. The different styles provide flexibility for your workflow.


This style matches filenames which contain the the value of the filename column. This style might be useful for applying metadata across a number of different images, for instance adding studio or colorway information.

Given the following CSV:

Filename Colorway
01_NAVY Navy
02_BLK Black

Capturebot will match the 01_NAVY and 02_BLK in the following images, but not the final image:

  • 353770_01_NAVY_WEB_v0001.eip
  • 353770_01_NAVY_WEB_v0002.eip
  • 353450_02_BLK_WEB_v0004.eip
  • 353450_02_BLK_WEB_v0005.eip
  • 353450_03_RED_WEB_v0005.eip


This style matches filenames exactly as they appear in the CSV, excluding the extension. This style is useful when you already have images and need to assign specific metadata to each one, perhaps star ratings or color tags.

Begins/ Ends With

These two styles match prexies and suffixes in file names. Using a prefix is generally used for assigning metadata to groups of images, like all of the photos of a single product which have a counter on the end. A suffix is good for matching categories of images, as in the above example a suffix of WEB could match all web images, while excluding catalogue images.


This is the most powerful, but also complex matching style; it matches regular expressions. These expressions allow you to conditionally match filename structures, rather than specific text. These are useful for only assigning metadata to files which have the correct format. A great way to explore regex is to use a site like Regex101.

Going back to the first example of matching colorways, we can use regex to not only match files that contain the color, but also ensure that the counter at the end is four digits.

Filename Colorway
\d{6}_01_NAVY_WEB_v\d{4} Navy
\d{6}_02_BLK_WEB_v\d{4} Black

Now, with our files we see that the second image doesn't match because its counter is only three digits long:
